About GoFit

About the go F'IT 12 week challenge

Middlesex University will be joining a host of Universities across the UK in running a goF’IT 2015 Spring Challenge; a Wellbeing Initiative designed to get students and staff more active. The goF'IT 2015 Spring Challenge is a fun way to increase activity levels, develop camaraderie, and help yourself and each other get stronger, fitter and smarter - just by moving a little more each week. View our short video here .

For more information on activities that can help bump up your points visit the sports event page on unihub 

Welcome to Middlesex University's 12 week go F'IT challenge

The Challenge has officially begun. You are now able to view your team, your personal goals and the overall team goals as well as the Middlesex Leaderboard which consists of 20 teams and over 130 participants.

Start logging your movement to bump up points for yourselves and your teams. You can keep track of your targets and download your personal data, add minutes and more. Plus the challenge is also compatible with smart devices, so track your minutes on the go.

Remember all movement counts even if it’s a walk to campus from your office or maybe something a little more intensive like a fitness class after work. Your intensity can be recorded from low, medium to high and the amount of minutes your were active for. Remember to remove any brief periods of rest to make it more accurate and fair.